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Suspended-type HFC-227ea Gas Fire Extinguishing System



The Suspended-type HFC-227ea Gas Fire Extinguishing System (Thermal Sensitivity Type) consists of an extinguishing agent storage cylinder, thermal release components, suspension brackets, pressure gauges, and other components. This system does not require the installation of extinguishing agent delivery pipelines, does not need a dedicated storage room for cylinders, and does not need to be linked with a fire alarm system. It is installed in a suspended or wall-mounted configuration. When a fire occurs, the thermal-sensitive glass bulb ruptures due to heat expansion, activating the thermal release component to directly discharge the extinguishing agent into the protected area. As there is no loss of agent in the pipeline, the extinguishing process is faster and more efficient.

Fire Extinguishing Principle

When a fire occurs in the protected area, the thermal-sensitive glass bulb on the Suspended-type HFC-227ea Gas Fire Extinguishing System (Thermal Sensitivity Type) expands due to heat, causing it to break and open the valve, thereby releasing the extinguishing agent to suppress the fire.




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